Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hears a list of the iteams in the catalogs!

Hello penguins its me ghostyfire hears a list of secrets!for this moth in the shops penguin style
mag For the gold viking helmet all the stars on the star necklace then a red viking helmet well appear press on it
2.NOW press on it then exit it 4 times then a blue viking helmet well appear3.when the blue helmet is on the screen DO NOT EXIT IT see on the left a tiara press on it then you got it!

Newspaper Hat & Goggles
For the night vision goggles click on the left snowshoe in the pair
For the newspaper hat click on the top of the red backpack!

The Pin
The new pin is at the iceberg at the bottom right

catalogs for igloo
new items are on first page thers 3 of em!SECRETS!furniture catalog secrets
press on tape in the stereo
press on the word throne on the 2ed page the pike chairigloo catalognew igloo is a king or queen castle!SECRETS!-4 steps for the snow-globe igloo-find all 4 things that say SNOW then press on the window in the basic igloo.and 3 other not that good so i don’t post them.that’s it penguins for now bye!


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